Towards the end of World War II, the island of Vis was one of the most important strategic points not only in the Adriatic but also in the entirety of Southeastern Europe. This was due to the fact that, from 1944, it was the site of an airfield which was used for emergency landings by damaged American bombers on their way back from bombing targets in Eastern and Central Europe and as a base for British fighter-bomber operations along the Adriatic coast and the interior. It comes as no surprise then that a large number of plane wrecks from World War II can be found in the waters of the island of Vis and Dalmatia in general. More than 10 of them have been located so far, and the best-preserved ones are some of the most attractive locations for recreational and technical diving in the Adriatic in general.

Ancient architecture on the seabed of Split-Dalmatia County is represented by the remains of Roman villae maritimae, fishponds, port facilities and docks. Large parts of these sites were located on land in Antiquity, but due to the rise of sea levels, they are now below the surface of the water. Owing to the small depth at which they are located, they are suitable for diving without prior diving experience or equipment, making them extremely attractive and easily accessible to the general population.