Following reports by local divers, a new shipwreck was located in 2020 in the Šćedro channel, between the island of Šćedro and the settlement of Zavala on Hvar. The remains of the intact shipwreck date back to Antiquity and a large number of encrusted amphorae were found in its cargo hold. The ship’s remains lie on the sandy seabed, some 60 meters deep. The wreck occupies an area approximately 10 x 15 meters large. Most of the visible amphorae are intact and belong to the Lamboglia 2 type while many more amphorae can be glimpsed in the silt, protected by the deeper layers of the seabed. Planned underwater archaeological surveys are expected to unearth further artefacts and ascertain the exact context, age and importance of the shipwreck in question.

Diving is currently not allowed
Diving is currently not permitted until the completion of underwater archaeological surveys.
The wreck will be opened to divers in the future, but diving will only be permitted through
licensed diving centers.

Visibility: poor
Depth: 60 meters
Sea currents: strong